Both Rewards & Punishment Kill Initiative
The Big Idea Researchers from Harvard, Stanford, and UCLA published the results of their study last year on The demotivating effect (and...

How to Unlock Your Family’s Creativity
The Big Idea Chances are, your kids’ lives are filled to overflowing with required activities – most of which are directed by an adult,...

The Crushing Pursuit of College Admissions: What To Do In Response
The Big Idea So much has been said about the college admissions scandals this past month (March 2019). While it’s shocking to see the...

Q & A: Inspiring Teens to START
Q From the parent of teenage kids “I’ve watched the START TEDx talk, read the book, and am excited to implement the leadership approach...

START Parent Leadership Series: Step Back and Give Your Kids Space to Develop Essential Skills
The Big Idea Of the 10 Leadership skills kids need to master before they leave home, almost all emerge and develop more fully when we...

Parent Leadership Series: The Value of Developing a Leadership Mindset
The Big Idea: Leadership tends to be defined narrowly, if we think to define it at all. But in fact, leadership, in the way it is defined...

Leadership Takes Self Control: Here's How to Model & Teach It At Home & In Class
The Big Idea In their HBR article Leadership Takes Self Control, Professors Yam, Lian, Ferris and Brown report the profoundly positive...

WIN + START: Building Intrinsic Motivation
The Big Idea Intrinsically motivated and emotionally intelligent kids demonstrate more meaningful and engaged behaviors at school, at...

Lead Well, Be Well, Do Well
In October, I'll be speaking at The Haverford School, Best for Boys Speaker Series on the specific steps parents can take to best prepare...

Vacation: An Ideal Time to Explore WHO, WHAT & WHY With Your Kids
The Big Idea For many, school breaks offer time off or away with your kids. The slower pace and the time away offers an environment...