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A Simple & Proven Way to Develop the Leadership Mindset 

 & Skill Set Your Students Need to Thrive & Prosper

Download Chapter 1 of START Leadership to get started in you classroom today
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In 5 straightforward steps, START shows you how to optimize individual and group dynamics to create a culture of leadership and engagement in your classroom.


Our research confirms that students educated in this environment develop the attributes and master the 10 skills that are essential to achieving happiness and success in a highly competitive, rapidly changing, and uncertain world.

Get the first chapter for free. Sign up below.

By providing your students with the tools and opportunities

they need to take the lead in their lives and work, you can 

equip them with exactly what they need to thrive and prosper 

in today's high pressure, high stakes world. 

10 Things This Book Will Teach You

In about 2 hours, learn how to


  1. Create a leadership development culture in your classroom

  2. View the purpose of teaching and school from a Strategic perspective

  3. Clarify your purpose and role as a teacher

  4. Define what is truly most important to you and to you students

  5. Make decisions to align your Tactical activities with what’s most important

  6. Implement an Assessment framework to ensure you stay on track over time

  7. Establish simple Routines to make class time more engaging, intentional, and purposeful 

  8. Weave SEL + Mindset Training opportunities into daily activities to develop essential skills

  9. Create the time, space, and guidance students need to connect to a sense of purpose  WIN

  10. Frame the inevitable challenges your students will face as opportunities for growth


Plus: Find the insight, information & inspiration you need to

put these ideas to work for you and for your class 

Hello. I'm Laurie, the Founder of START


It started...

On a flight to speak at an ethics conference in Washington, DC,  I sat next to a professor from Duke University who I hoped would provide a cheat-sheet of things to do to get my son into a college like Duke.  My son was four at the time.


The professor, concerned that I may have been missing the big picture when it came to the purpose of childhood and college, told me that in his experience, only 10% of students are prepared to truly succeed and to be happy and healthy in college and in life. And he knew their secrets.


"I know who, and I know why, and

 it's not what you think."

The "secrets" I learned on our five-hour, cross country trip profoundly changed my perspective on success and happiness, reframed my career goals, and inspired the creation of an effective new paradigm in preparing kids to succeed and be happy in the current, high pressure environments. 

I hope you'll join me, the families and the teachers and who have experienced this positive, productive, and constructive approach.  It's effective and enjoyable for you and your students. Together, we can begin to shift the culture in our schools and communities for good. 

Join US


In addition to research and writing, I speak and conduct workshops for teachers and parents at schools companies, conferences,  schools, and community events. Previous clients include Workday, Wells Fargo, UCSF Medical Center, The Haverford School, and Colonial Elementary.  Click here to learn more.

We are also building a select set of curated articles and ideas to use in your classroom and in your school on Facebook Group for Educators and on LinkedIn and Instagram. 

I wish you and your students well on the journey. 

Lead Well + Be Well + Do Well

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